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Reap the Wild Wind (1942)

Reap the Wild Wind (1942) - Adventure Movies 119 minutes. Cecil B. De Mille's Reap the Wild Wind, Ernte des Sturms, De piraten der Zuidzeëen, Orkanens høst, Kun myrsky raivoaa, De piraten van Key-West, De misdaad van Kapitein Stuart, Urent farvann, Zdradzieckie skaly, Seceră vântul sălbatic, Skörda i den vilda stormen, Piratas del Caribe, El desafío del mar, Пожнешь бурю, El desafío del mar. The Florida Keys in 1840, where the implacable hurricanes of the Caribbean scream, where the salvagers of Key West, like the intrepid and beautiful Loxi Claiborne and her crew, reap, aboard frail schooners, the harvest of the wild wind, facing the shark teeth of the reefs to rescue the sailors and the cargo from the shipwrecks caused by the scavengers of the sea. , , , , , , ,