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Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers (2009)

Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers (2009) - Animation Movies 115 minutes. Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers, Eureka 7, Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows, Eureka Seven - Pocket ga Niji de Ippai, 교향시편 에우레카 세븐 포켓이 무지개로 가득, Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Pocket ga Niji de Ippai, 交響詩篇艾蕾卡7:口袋裏的彩虹, Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven: Pocketful of Rainbows, Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows. Renton, son of scientists, and Eureka, a girl who can't live under the sun, are raised together when very young and become very attached to each other. Powerless to prevent Eureka from being taken away Renton vows to rescue her and enters the military. , , , , , ,