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Face to Face (1976)

Face to Face (1976) - Drama Movies 114 minutes. Лицом к лицу, Cara a cara al desnudo, Yüz Yüze, Ansikt til ansikt, Von Angesicht zu Angesicht, Față în față, 고독한 여심, Twarzą w twarz, Cara a cara, 鏡の中の女, L'immagine allo specchio, Πρόσωπο με Πρόσωπο, Face à face, Ansigt til ansigt, Face a Face, Face to face. Dr. Jenny Isaksson is a psychiatrist whose temporary position at a mental hospital offers only modest responsibilities. With her husband out of the country for a seminar and her daughter at camp, Jenny moves in with her grandparents, expecting a relaxing few months. But it isn't long before unpleasant memories of her childhood, the sudden appearance of strange apparitions, and a near-rape push this otherwise stable woman to the very edge of sanity. , , , , , , , , , ,