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Before I Go to Sleep (2014)

Before I Go to Sleep (2014) - Thriller Movies 92 minutes. Αμνησία, Lifnei ha'sheina, Kol nenuejau miegoti, Zanim zasne, Прежде чем я усну, Yatmadan Önce, Antes de Adormecer, Antes de despertar, Ich Darf Nicht Schlafen, リピーテッド:2014. Ever since she sustained a traumatic head injury, Christine Lucas has suffered from anterograde amnesia, unable to form new memories and having forgotten the last 15 years of her life. Every morning, she becomes reacquainted with her husband, Ben, and the other constants in her life. Terrifying truths about her past begin to emerge, causing her to question everything -- and everyone -- around her. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,