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The Untouchables (1987)

The Untouchables (1987) - Crime Movies 119 minutes. 不可触犯, 義膽雄心, Äraostmatud, Nedodirljivi, Nesalomivi, Nedotakljivi, Nepodplatitel'ní, Los Intocables, Nietykalni, De omutbara, Неприкасаeмыe, Los Intocables, Los Intocables, The Untouchables – Die Unbestechlichen, Lahjomattomat, Gli intoccabili, เจ้าพ่ออัลคาโปน. Young Treasury Agent Eliot Ness arrives in Chicago and is determined to take down Al Capone, but it's not going to be easy because Capone has the police in his pocket. Ness meets Jim Malone, a veteran patrolman and probably the most honorable one on the force. He asks Malone to help him get Capone, but Malone warns him that if he goes after Capone, he is going to war. , , , , , , , , , ,